How Does a Casino Work?
A casino is like an indoor amusement park for adults. Musical shows, lighted fountains and shopping centers attract the guests, but casinos would not exist without games of chance that create their billions in profits each year. Slot machines, blackjack, roulette and poker are all popular casino games. But how do they work? In this article we’ll explore the history of casinos, learn about the games they offer and see how they keep their patrons happy.
Most casino games have a built in statistical advantage for the house, which can be as low as two percent or as high as eighty percent. These advantages can make or break a casino’s profitability, and they can also influence game play in subtle ways. In the early days of modern casinos, mobster money fueled growth and helped them overcome their seamy reputation. Mafia bosses often became involved in a hands-on fashion, taking sole or partial ownership of some casinos and even attempting to manipulate the outcomes of games through intimidation and violence.
Casinos today use technology to monitor their operations. Security cameras are everywhere on the floor, and elaborate systems let security personnel keep tabs on every table, window and doorway. Players use chips instead of cash, which helps the casino keep track of money coming in and out. The chips are numbered and tracked by computers to avoid fraud and to discover any statistical deviation from the expected results. Similarly, roulette wheels and dice have special microcircuitry to ensure they’re not being tampered with.