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What Is a Casino?

What Is a Casino?

A casino is a place where various games of chance can be played and where gambling is the primary activity. While the modern casino may add a host of entertainment options (such as restaurants, free drinks and stage shows) to lure customers, it would not exist without its main attraction: gambling. The money people wager on slot machines, blackjack and table games provides the billions of dollars in profits raked in by casinos every year.

Though gambling probably predates recorded history, the first casinos developed in the 16th century during a gaming craze that saw Italian aristocrats gather at private clubs called ridotti. [Source: Schwartz] Today, casinos are designed to appeal to the senses of sight, touch and sound. For example, slot machines are arranged in a maze-like fashion so that wandering patrons are continuously enticed by new gambling options. And table games, like roulette and baccarat, are designed to be elegant and exciting.

Because so much money passes through a casino, it’s no surprise that security is a major concern. In addition to cameras, casinos employ a wide range of other measures to prevent cheating and stealing. Dealers keep a close eye on patrons to spot blatant cheating, such as palming, marking or switching cards or dice. And pit bosses and table managers have a broader view of the action, ensuring that no one is stealing chips from other players or taking advantage of betting patterns that signal collusion.